Thursday, February 24, 2011

Zayda's Water Bondage Ordeal crucified women bdsm

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21 year wise Zayda is back to The Attic on her 5th visit. And what a wet visit it was. Let's get started.

First away for Zayda is a little time in bdsm video porn The Aquarium. After stripping and sooner or later shackling her with heavy chains and manacles, as well as attaching bowling balls to her neck neck-band, she was placed into a clear, water tight cage. Zed had even now hooked up a lawn sprinkler inside of the cage. You comprehend, the cruel bdsm kind that goes tak, tak, tak, tak, whoosh, tak, tak, tak, tak, whoosh. So formerly she was locked into the cage we turned the water forward. The sprinkler came crucify bdsm to life and suddenly Zayda was getting venture in the head by a strong stream of water. It was sympathetic of like being inside of your own personal weather system. So at this moment we just sit back and watch as the water level in the cage crual bdsm gets higher and higher and Zayda gain's crossdress bdsm more and more water logged. It takes quite awhile to stock that cage up and I think I see her starting to quake now.

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